Wednesday, December 19, 2007

America on the skids

Who said so? Morita and Ishihara (The Japan that can say no)
They portray the U.S. as a countryh on the skids "because of economic self-indulgence, lackof discipline and executive greed. They depict a nation that has become lazy and soft, its strength sappped by racial conflict and an inferior system of education. They describe a fading su-perpower beset by false pride, bad management, arrogance and terminal incompetence.

It Looks like stupidity to me

According to a report from the General Accounting Office, a big part of American taxes pay for food stamps for people living in jail. GAO says the federal government in 1995 spent $3.5million on food stamps issued to 12,138 criminals in Florida, New York, Texas. and Los
Angeles. Projections based on GAO's spot-check indicates that tens of millions of dollars in food stamps are distributed illegally to jailed convicts each hear. Convicts already get free foood.

More Black insanity

The NAACP wants people of Sprinfield, Missouri to pay "reparations" to the city's black population for an alleged lynching in1906. The NAACP says three blacks accused of burlary and rape were dagged out of jail and hanged in the town square nearly 100 years ago by an angry mob of whites. So black leaders want the white residents there now to give them money.

Sheer insanity

35 House members, including some Republicans, are backing legislation that would require the government to pay $130 million in "reparations" to citizens of Guam, and their descendants for actions committed by Japanese occupations forces during WW II! It is no coincidence that a full third of the sponsors are members of the Congressional Black Caucus, who, if the bill is passed, will imediately use that precedent to demand massive reparations to blacks for slavery, on the grounds that they are more deserving of the benefits than are residents ofGuam for actions not even committed by Americans.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Objections to Christianity

Christians assume a supernatural order overriding the sensible world that is eternal, unchanging and all powerful. We people the supernatural with spirits, angels, and devils and the souls of the departed. One of the primary duties of men and women is to worship, reverence,. and pray to supernatural agencies. Human life is said to be full of suffering because human beings are inherently wicked and ungodly. This world is to be rejected in the interests of eternal bliss in the life to come.
Christianity has attempted to establish its divine credentials by miracles and wonders; has exploited ignorance and credulity, and demanded blind faith in its teachings.

God the doctor

Nothing can be more wonderful than the medical ideas of God. In the 14th chapter of Leviticus we find the receipe for cleansing a leper. The priest is to take two birds, cedar wood, scarlet, and hyssop. One of the birds is to be killed in an earthern vessel over running water. The living
bird is to be dipped in the blood of the dead bird. The priest shall sprinkle the leper seven times with the liquid and shall pronounce him clean, and shall release the living bird in the field

Church Corruption

Revolts and heresies were repressed with unbelievable ferocity. In 1233 Pope Gregory IX founded the Inquisition. A later Pope, Innocent VIII, in 1485 ordered the extermination of the Vaudois (or Waldensian) heretics of Piedmont, promising remission of sins to all those who would kill the heretics--an ascetic sect protesting against the worldliness and corruption of the Church.