Saturday, December 8, 2007

Call me twinkle toes

There was a time when Seattle was awash in ballroom dancers, dancing schools, and dancing instructors. If my memory serves me correctly it was in the late 1950s. It's all gone now. W hat happened? Are we satisfied with watching professional dancers on TV? So it would seem. If we couldn't get enough dancing here at home we would drive to Vancouver, B.C. and attend their dances.
My first teaching assignment was at Sequim, Washington, a Christian Fundamentalist community. To them, dancing was a sin. It was not surprising, therefore, that a proposal by the lady gym teacher to teach ballroom dancing (at the request of the students, I might add)
was turned down.

1 comment:

Christin said...

There are still plenty of dance instructors, classes and schools around. My husband and I enjoy them a lot! :) We take lessons every week and try, when time allows, to attend dances in the area as well to practice our new skills.