Monday, December 3, 2007

Vacationing in the land of the Midnight Sun

You will need some equipment for your enterprise. A rowboat with a 50HP motor, and a 30-06 rifle. Use wire traps to catch Dolly Varden. Their tails are worth 5 cents each. A rifle is necessary to shoot seal. There is a 25$ bounty on seal. The beaches are cluttered with logs. The lumber mill in Juneau will give you an idea as to the value of the logs. One thing the INSIDE Passage has in abunbance is fern. It is quite likely that there are buyers for fern in Seattle's Farmer's Market.

1 comment:

MarkoPolo said...

Good post - I had to look up Dolly Varden (I had no idea they were a trout) I envisioned some kind of busty Seal singing '9 to 5'.