Sunday, December 9, 2007

Getting a top rating in the Seattle School system

If your students dislike coming to your class it is time to consider another profession. Take a look at the students as you walk down the halls. Are they wearing their happy faces? If not, something is drastically wrong.
Once a year the vice-principal would ''evalute" the science teachers. What a farce that was.
We could see her coming a block away. She would come into the room and take a seat in the back of the room, scribble a few notes then leave. She had a reputation for being a "hard-nose" take-no-prisoners disciplinarian. While she was in their view they sat in their seats like mummies, scarcely moving. When the WW (wicked witch) left we alll started breathing again.
I have six of her ''evalutions'' and they are all identical.......and all phony.
When I think of all the dumb things that are committed by the school system I can't help wondering what the School Board is doing and why parents don't take a more active interest in the schools.

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