Sunday, December 9, 2007

Can't fool a NCO

It was easy to fool the colonel but I didn't fool the non-coms for a minute. It seemed like such a good idea at the time. At the end of my tour of duty I elected to retain my reserve ID. The plan was to use this card to travel free on Air Force planes to various points of interest. Pretty good plan up to this point. But, like many plans, there was a flaw.

You had to be enrollled in some phase of training of benefit to the Air Force. I chose Supply. The Non-coms found a desk for me and piled a bunch of Supply manuals on top. The first thing I knew, the colonel gave me a letter stating that on the basis of an interview and personal observation I was being terminated. None of which was true. There was no reason for him to lie like that. He had accurate information from his non-coms and his decisions should have been based on their input.

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